· Hand-bound Printed Notebook (A6)



We invited some people who have lived on the street to draw their memories. The boat in which Abdel worked when he was a fisherman, the river that Armando saw from the prison window or the home José Maria dreamed of have inspired this notebook’s print (watch a video of the creative process).

We like it because it is hand-bound in the binding workshop of Arrels by people who live or have lived on the street. This process has allowed them to feel useful again and recover skills and self-esteem.

Purchase the new Arrels printed notebook and collaborate with our challenge to make sure there’s #nobodysleepingonthestreet!


  • Measurements: A6, 11 x 15cm
  • Format: hand-bound, white sheet.
  • Texture: Hard cover, lined with fabric printed in red and gold.
  • Weight: 200g

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SKU: LLIBR-ESTAMP-ARRELS-A6-2022 Categories: , Tags: , , , , ,

Additional information

Weight 0.300 kg