Make a donation and we will send you a photograph to use in your creative projects or share on social networks.
Open donation
Your contribution will help make #nobodysleepingonthestreet possible!
Get a series of between 40 and 54 photographs for your creative projects. Find the theme that inspires you!
Price: 22€
Equivalent to a night’s lodging and social attention for one person.
Get all 136 images, bring added value to your communications, and collaborate in our challenge: #nobodysleepingonthestreet.
Price: 50€
Equivalent to food for one person for 10 days.
When you buy a photo, a series, or a collection, you will receive an email with a download link within 48 hours.
My heart means more than what a mirror says because – in the end – the mirror will break, but your heart never goes away
Salvador, 5 years on the street
HomelessCommons is the first collection of images to feature people who have lived on the street, but it’s also part of a much more ambitious project. We want to create a HomelessCommons hallmark – a fair and solidarity-showing licence inspired by Creative Commons – which will provide free photographs, fonts, and other contributions made by people who want to invest the goods of their trade to make our goal possible: #nobodysleepingonthestreet.
In Barcelona there are more than 1,000 people who sleep on the street every night Manel, Paco, Valerio, Salvador, and Esteban are some of those people who have lived on the street and who, along with the workers and volunteers at Arrels, have contributed their images to make Homeless Commons possible. Using one of these images not only brings attention to an invisible reality, but also lends a helping hand to the more than 3,000 homeless people we assist each year. Above all, you will be helping to challenge prejudices and assisting in making our goal, #nobodysleepingonthestreet, possible.
‘Images that change perceptions’ is the first photographic collection to be available under the Homeless Commons licence. This Christmas, surprise your clients, friends, and readers with images that change perceptions!
When you buy a photo, a series, or a collection, you will receive an email with a download link within 48 hours. If you have any doubts, you can contact us: comunicacio@arrelsfundacio.org.