* Required fields
One night of accommodation and social attention.
Shower service for 30 people.
Food for 10 people during one day.
Monthly rent for a flat and provisions.
You decide just how much we can achieve together.
+34 692 68 90 92
Triodos Bank
ES28 1491 0001 2921 4275 8115
For donations from outside EU, please add swift code before account number: TRIOESMMXXX
La Caixa
ES43 2100 0975 2802 0006 5046
For donations from outside EU, please add swift code before account number: CAIXESBBXXX
Calling the number
+34 692 68 90 92
Bizum: 33471
1. Open your bank’s application and click on: Send a Bizum.
2. Choose the option Make a donation / Contribute to a charitable cause.
3. Add the entity code / campaign code: 33471. Check that Arrels Fundación automatically appears as recipient.
4. Write the amount of your donation and the required data. Tap Confirm.
Thanks for your donation!