We are a private foundation that assists the most vulnerable homeless people that live on the streets of Barcelona. We accompany them to get a life as autonomous as possible covering the basic needs, providing housing and social and health attention. At the same time, we do tasks of social awareness about poverty problems in our environment, we report unfair situations to administrations and to the citizens.
We have an Open Centre at c/Riereta, Barcelona. It is a free access space that works in the morning (from Monday to Sunday) and in the afternoon (from Monday to Sunday) to offer orientation to homeless people about the resources the city has and also about the shower, cloakroom, wardrobe and pharmacological activity services. But, above all, we listen and we accompany people. We also manage the Pere Barnés home, an equipment of temporary stay to homeless people with a delicate health status. And La Troballa, our workshop. We have a street team that goes around the city visiting the most vulnerable people that sleep on the street and giving them answers to their needs such as go to a doctor or look for housing.
We also manage two low requirement night spaces for people we know and that haven’t found anything at the other city resources.
Arrels’ street team visits the most vulnerable homeless people in all the city of Barcelona, reaching more people and visiting them more intensely.
Since Arrels’ establishment in 1987, we have assisted more than 21,700 homeless people and the figure does not stop growing. In 2024 alone, we have assisted 3,218 people, 1,366 of them for the first time (89% are men and 11% are women). Throughout 2024, we have visited 791 homeless people, we have taken in 2,564 people in the Open Centre and we have guaranteed housing to 262 people.
Getting back the previous life is practically impossible because its foundations are broken. They try to recover their maximum autonomy through a complex work of a personal and life reconstruction that takes a lot of years. One of the main problems that we have to face up to get this goal is the age of the assisted people: most of them are over 50.
We obtain 49% of the budget from the membership fee and occasional donors that support Arrels’ work. We also obtain it from local and autonomous administrations (33%), from legacies (3%), from donations of the residents themselves (7%), income from activity (4%), and others (4%). 80% of our budget is allocated for direct attention, 8% to awareness and impact, 12% to guarantee the structure of the entity and the coordination of human work.
At Arrels, we are currently more than 400 volunteers and 90 workers. Most of the volunteers go into the direct attention while the rest divided the tasks of awareness and incidents and internal structure among themselves. In terms of the working team, most of them coordinate the work of direct attention and the others work at tasks of structure, political awareness and incidence.
There is no minimum fee to be an Arrels member. The donation can be monthly, quarterly or annually. Also, all the occasional donations as well as the periodic payments, are deducted in finance because we are a foundation. Apart from the donations and fees, you can also get involved handing over a flat, offering clothes and furnitures according to the needs or making Arrels heiress, coheiress or legatee of your patrimony.
Our future goals are to guarantee accommodation to more people because we believe stable housing is the best way to improve the situation of those living on the street.
To do voluntary work at Arrels it is not necessary to have a specific formation but we do ask for a person to be over 22 and that can commit in a stable way once a week.
Do voluntary work at Arrels means to get close to the reality of homeless people in Barcelona. You can consult the voluntary needs that we currently have and volunteer to some of them filling up the form or writing down to vullfervoluntariat@arrelsfundacio.org. By email, we will give you more details so you can value if the voluntary work is adapted to your availability. Depending on your answer, we will meet to have a small talk and get to know each other. If you finally join us, Arrels will offer you an initial formation about the functioning of the entity and the reality of homeless people.
It depends on the programme you do your voluntary work, but keep in mind:
To do voluntary work at Arrels, there is no necessary a specific formation. It is only necessary if you do administration, communication, computing, etc. voluntary work and the task requires of specific knowledge.
At this moment, we do not consider this option but we do take it into consideration in case, further on, there is a chance to make it a reality.
Yes. To do it you need to contact with the company team of Arrels writing an email to empreses@arrelsfundacio.org. We invite you to know more about it visiting our company website.
You cannot be a volunteer without becoming a member and the other way around. What do I win doing voluntary work at Arrels? It is a win-win: Arrels grows up in human team and you extend your experience in a personal way in front of an experience of a social reality.